Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 3/4--Advice

Basically nothing has changed dramatically for me in the last couple days and I'm thinking of after this post just posting Weekly to let you know the progress along with my doctors visits.

Mainly the pain that I get is when you feel it swell or after the lortab has worn of completely. It really hasn't been to terrible. However, please keep in mind that this time around for me I have one less surgery so I feel all around that the pain is down.

On the all around for a first week experience I've been pretty lucky I think. My toes are still their natural color, I didn't have any bleeding threw the bandages, and the pain has been manageable. Most my complaints are about my apatite or the medication.l. I personally hate being on pain killers of any type. I don't like being dizzy/tired all the time. I especially hate it when I have to go to the bathroom or use the crutches. I do know though, that some people enjoy them and they say it keeps their mind of things. So depending on how you are your experience will be different. For me though I really hate it. I feel like I constantly need something to eat/drink and then I can barely watch tv/read/blog because i'm dizzy and my eye sight is fuzzy.


Get tons of things for yourself, so that you are entertained while you have to recover. My suggestions:

--DS (new form of Gameboy)
--Weaving Bracelets

I'm a hobby kind of gal if you can't tell. No i'm not an old lady I just find joy in things I can make with my hands. I suggest you find something you also enjoy doing with your hands that is prettty mindless. You really can't do a lot while laying on the couch. Trust me I've tried. so be keeping all of that in mind and if your surgery isn't for a few weeks or months or whenever you plan on having it. Plan ahead! you'll regret it if you don't!

Also plan on sleeping a lot! It's not a bad thing this first week because you really need time to let your body heal your foot! Remember that the body has to work day and night to start rebuilding the bone. You'll notice it too! Your foot is always hot! You will be worn out from that and not just the medication.

REST. If you are anything like me and you like moving around and ALWAYS having something to do. DON'T. Unless it's one of those hobbies. I mean it! At least not for this first week! It's not only better for the healing processes but also safer on your foot! The first week is crucial it's when it really is working hard to rebuild everything they had to move. if anything gets bumped or moved you may have to undergo surgery AGAIN! So rest!

Other than that just enjoy the free time! As long as you can. I hit about the 2 week mark and go insane! haha. But it is nice to be home and taken care of.

again Please feel free to ask me anything!


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