Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 12--Passing time.

A little update on the poor bruised foot.. After a complete week I have only had to ice my foot once in the last two days! Don't get me wrong I still have pain but it's back to how it was before I slipped and applied pressure on my foot. 

Tomorrow I have my Two week visit sens surgery. I'll of course be updating and letting you know how it goes and what changes. I have a feeling that this is the week I start some physical therapy! I'm not sure what yet because I think it will be different then last time. 

Other than those things I'm down to one pill a day when I was taking 2 or 1 1/2. Sometimes the pain is worse than others and i still take 1 1/2 but for the most part i'm down to 1. I'll show you a couple projects that I've been doing sense surgery. To give you an idea of how much free time you'll have hahah. Unless you aren't like me and actually enjoy sleeping for a lot of the day.Which in this case I do envy those who enjoy sleeping for tons of hours! I hate it.

What I've done is.. Watch a ton of TV shows, I've had people over quite a bit too actually, Cross Stitched a cool Iphone Case and am almost done knitting a scarf! the cross stitching and knitting take a while!! but I also do it While watch TV so it doesn't feel like a complete waste of time! here are some pictures because I feel like pictures are more fun then just having words on blogs. 

as you can see in the cross stitch photo I wasn't done but I am down now!! and it looks great. I just filled in the bottom the whole way! took me a good 4 or 5 days and I spent a long time on it! haha. the knitting is faster than cross stitching! anyway the point is to have things to do!! you have a lot of time. Talk to you tomorrow!


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