Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 9-- Bruised

I really hope that I blog has helped people or that it will. This s surgery can really be tough to go through when you aren't prepared. I should know. The last time was really rough. I had done a little surgery but there really isn't much out there to help you understand what you are undergoing. In fact I probably wouldn't have done it if my husband didn't have a good friend who's mom had gone through it and told me that it's really benefited her life a lot.

I'll give you a little advice. Do not underplay this surgery. Even though it's just om your feet which seems like such a small part of the rest of your body this is a huge surgery! Let people know that. Make sure you have a lot of support because the 4-6 weeks you may have to spend on the couch shouldn't be done without support. Plus even when you get in the boot (depending on the foot) you can't even drive. So make sure to have your friends and family close. I only say this because I for one am really terrible at asking for help. It really made my last surgery miserable. I got really lonely and super depressed. So if I could give anyone one bit of advice I think that's the most important. Ask for the help or visits or even the lunch visits because using crutches make it hard to get food for yourself.

I apologize how mushy gushy that was but I promise if you don't head to that advice you'll be as sorry as I was. Now on to the topic I named this post after. Bruised haha. I posted the photos of my foot at the doctors office now I have some photos from after the Slip! hah. it's great. I know I shouldn't blame myself but it's hard not to.This will show you to try not to do this!! be careful!

It's a lot more swollen too. The picture doesn't really show the left side of the foot very well but I had already put the band aid on before realizing I should take a picture before wrapping it all backup. I had everything off because I was able to get it wet I decided to wash it off. 

Tips and Tricks

Okay my tip for today is do not eat grape fruit with lortab! Why you might ask? Well because both days I had grape fruit for breakfast I vomited! It wasn't the sick kind so  I put two and two together and researched it. Apparently Grapefruit intensifies the symptoms which includes possible vomiting.\

Well that's all I've got. As always i'm here for any questions.


1 comment:

  1. yikes that looks bad!! I had a bunion removed at 19, and had it done in the office because i was a poor student. I don't think it looked that bad, or I just don't remember. I love your toilet and shower too, good things to know!!
