Okay i'll admit it I've been delaying this post. Bottom line on Monday the doctor said I shouldn't be having this much pain in my Right foot anymore. It is the Calcaneal so I feel that I can post about it here. Yes I know The title of this post is miss leading in the sense that my right foot is 1 year and 3 months now. I'll figure all that out. I am also still dealing with my left foot in the sense of "healing bone."
So the doctor got all my records from the last year but he did not get any of the X-rays I"m unsure why.. However, Because of this I had to get X-rays done and so partly why I didn't post is because he wouldn't know what the X-ray's said until wed. or thr. He did call me yesterday... so I"m going to say what he said about the Left foot (the foot I started this Blog on.) Sorry it's so dang confusing.
Left Foot--
Still unsure if the bone is healing properly.. That's all he said. Doesn't look infected I guess that was a concern he had.. hahah.
Right Foot--
It seems that there is a Screw that has come loose (not sure how or many details) but that is what is probably causing me so much pain. Lovely. He said he was going to be out of town for the next few weeks and told me that the plate should be removed soon because if it isn't the bone will turn to "mush." Again. Lovely.
So I got reffered to another doctor and called an made an appointment. I wasn't sure if I should wait to make this post until then but I figured that I might as well get that out of the bag!
I have to remember this! It was hanging at the doctors. |
My dads words when I told him "When will this end for you?" Don't I wish I knew.
Hopefully the other doctor doesn't find anything else.... and that is it. because if that's the case then it shouldn't be as major a surgery as before. Not so sure on the details I should know more on Tuesday. Surgery is surgery though.. and I"m not looking forward to that.
You have been dealing with this for way too long. I'm so sorry you have to go through it again there isn't any upside to this other than hopefully you will stop being in so much pain one day. Hope it gOes alright :(