Saturday, July 6, 2013

Nonunion week 7| How to use crutches in the bathroom (shower & toilet)

I've recently been receiving emails from a viewer of this blog who was searching for details on foot surgery. He found my blog and we have been exchanging emails. He is very kind and I appreciate his emails so much. Please if you ever want to talk don't be afraid to email me ( ). I'm always happy to talk with anyone!

Anyway, this viewer asked me about getting up and down from the toilet. I had wanted to make a video on how to use the shower and toilet already but, I wasn't planning on making the video very soon. Because of his email I was inspired to create it now before he got his surgery.

Here is the video:

It was really fun to make. It allowed me to practice doing videos like this before I actually can't stand on my feet. Just for people to know. I'm extremely good on crutches. Doctors and nurses have told me this many times so it may be smart to practice if possible before, you are injured so you don't injure yourself more. Always always always, be as careful as you can.

To be honest when I was going to do the shower one I got really nervous and anxious. It's scary and dangerous. right now I live up a flight of stairs going to my apartment. I'm pretty nervous about this. My previous experience with stairs has always been sketchy. I urge you to be very very careful once again. Do everything you can to insure that your foot/knee/leg is safe.

I talk about products I want to buy for these surgeries. I didn't explain them in the video but I did post some links. I want to talk about some of these on here.

The first one is a bath tube stool. I've wanted one of these for a while but couldn't afford it before. In-fact I can't really afford any of these things. We've been very strict about eating at home and saving what we can.. We do have some money but it's going to become very difficult for us with these items needing to be

Cost: $47.49
This is the one we are currently looking at. Click Here for where to buy it.  This one is tall so I wont hurt myself on the edge of our bath, sense it has the sliding doors. Also the seat swivels so that I could probably use it for both feet. Our bathroom is very tiny so that would be extremely helpful.

Then the second Item is a resting wedge.

Cost: 41.66

Pretty clear what this will be for. It has a cover so you can wash it. I struggled with back problems from the combination of a poor couch and pillows. Not only this, having pillows didn't support behind my knees very well and I would have a lot of pain/swelling in the knees. This is really the only one we could find that will work. It's a bummer because it is a lot but the foam has to be hard to support it. here is the link for this one.

Last thing that we are looking into is a Knee Scooter these are the few we are trying to choose from:

Cost: $289.00
Cost: 217.13

Scooter 1 Link         Scooter 2 link
Yeppppp pricey. This is cheaper then it would be if your doctor supplied it for you though. This one is something that my new doctor said I SHOULD have. Don't get me wrong I really really really want it. It takes a lot less effort and eases the effort of getting around. It would allow me to go out a lot more then I have before. The only bother is the money. I currently am unemployed and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I need to take care of my body and my mental state first. The doctor told me I need it though because of how bad off my feet our. Sense my right foot and left foot are both in the same shape I shouldn't be hopping around on either too much. It could cause more problems so we will have to figure it. Like I said we have been very strict on our budget the last month. We will continue this as we have done in the past to survive. I feel extremely guilty about all the expense of these surgeries not to mention the needs of these supplies. I hope to find a way to do this. We had to buy me a new boot last September which was $60 dollars. These things really add up and cut into our life a lot.

Well that's about all I wanted to talk about. Again please feel free to leave any questions for my Q & A video. I haven't decided when I'll make it but I'd like to have some medical related questions as well. Thanks so much for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Around 30% of all adults aged 65 and above fall every year, making falls the number one cause of injury death among the elderly. According to the Health Promotion Board, falls may be caused by environmental factors such as uneven, slippery surfaces and poor bathroom designs. However, our bathroom aids can greatly reduce such falls. Safeguarding Bathing Aids
