Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2-- Worn out.

So word to the wise when you are like me and enjoy having company over a lot it may not be the best idea after major surgery. I mean I've enjoyed having friends over and family but right now I'm so tired I can barely think.

I'm not sure if it's surgery or if it's the pain medication. All day I've been struggling with staying awake though. I also have to apologize because being on this medication is going to make some of my post (if not all) very loopy sounding.

So today was good I had family bring me lunch which is nice because it's hard to fix something yourself when you are using crutches. I also had friends come over and make me brownies and watch a couple movies together.

The pain has gotten worse today. Well, not really worse than it was last night when I first started really feeling the pain. It's just that once the Medication is out of my system I'm feeling the pain immediately. I'd say it has gotten up to about an 6-7 on the 1-10 scale of pain.

I'm trying my hardest not to move my toes or my leg too much. Just keeping it elivated above my heart to keep the swelling down.


If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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