Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 1-- Showering After Foot Surgery

 So today started off pretty well. I slept pretty good last night. I wasn't sure if I just am dealing with the pain well or if  my foot was still on drugs from the hospital... until around 5pm today when the one lortab I took wore off. It Actually started hurting.

I'm pretty worn out right now too. I did however Manage to take a shower! I'll share with you how I did that also. It took me a good 4 days before I figured out how to shower last time.

We'll see how the rest of the night goes and I'll update tomorrow. I'm just pretty worn out right now so I figured I'd update for you guys!

Tips and Tricks--

Showering After foot surgery.

STEP 1--
Get a shower head hose! This is one from wal*mart! It was only 10 dollars and it's last sense I got it in June! so I advise getting this ASAP this way you can have it hanging down when you sit in the shower!

STEP 2--

Find either a shower chair or use one similar to this one! I got it from Ikea for about 10 dollars the seat part is just plastic! On the bottom I used Hot glue and put lines on the bottom to get it to stick to the bottom! It works really really well! If you want me to post pictures of the hot glue let me know!

STEP 3--

Set it up! Last time I didn't put hot glue on it so we had a towel in the bottom to keep it in place but the Hot glue works ten times better! doesn't move at all! So this is the way I had it facing with the right foot the left foot is just the other direction! it worked just as well when I did it today!

This is showing you how your foot hangs out so you don't get it wet! I put the liner on the inside around my leg so the water stays in the shower.

If you don't feel like showering You can always take a bath! Put hot glue on a board so it sticks and rest your foot on it. with the left foot you can just hang it off the side!

Well that's all I have for today! Keep friends and family close during this time it makes your days go by so much better to have help and love around you! If you have ANY questions at all feel free to comment or email me. (kristy.kong11@gmail.com)


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