Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 6-- Doctors Appointment #1

Today I had my one week sense surgery doctors check up. The best part was that it SNOWED today.. NOT I think mother nature is out to get me. There was snow on the ground the day of my surgery and today! This is when I hate stairs! Not only do we have steps in the front of our house they are slanted. (I may have mentioned that before.)

I got out of the house just fine! Had a little problem getting into the car because I was getting into the passanger side but with it being the Left foot I needed to get in on the drivers side. That way you can use the car door for some support with your foot not being in the way! Next time I go out I'll take some pics of how to get in and out of a car for you guys!

At the Doctors office they were PACKED. I had to wait for 30 minutes before getting a room. Which means my foot wasn't elevated for that long.. So I got pretty dizzy they just leaned the chair back when I got in the office though! Let me tell you.. After a Week of having to lay on the couch that chair felt AMAZING! I'm pretty tired and it was sooo comfortable ton my back and everything that I really just wanted to sleep! I was in heaven in that chair. 

The nurse took X-Rays for the doctor and they they took me back and took off the boot and the layers of wrapping around my foot. Here are some pictures of my foot:

Sorr I didn't get a picture of the bunion one without the gauze on it. When I decide to clean my foot I'll get a picture for you. It actually looks better than last time! 

So the doctor said that everything looks great! had me move my ankle a little and my toes to make sure that's going to be okay. It was. then He let me know that my foot can get wet now. Not soaking it in water but you can get it wet. Also that I do not have to wear the boot while I'm sleeping!! woohoo! only if it starts to bother me. (last time I had to have the boot on for everything because of the tendon,) He put band aids on the cuts then wrapped it then put the compression sock on and I was on my way. I'll see him again in a week..

HOWEVER, Getting home was not very good... I slipped getting up the steps and Put quite a bit of pressure on my foot!!!! YIKES.. not only is a incredibly scary now I have massive ammounts of pain! so BE CAREFUL! we called the doctor and he said that he is positive that I couldn't hurt anything but now I have to deal with this insane amount of pain! i'm on more pain meds then I have been the entire week and I'm still hurting... It's really awful..

alright well there you have it!

Happy Martin Luther King day!


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