Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 7-- Small Update

I figured sense yesterday I slipped and hurt myself I'd give you an update on what that has been like. Most of all it's been terrible!  I've had  to do the 20 min. of Ice on and 20 min. of Ice off pretty much all last night and all day today. I've had a few breaks where it was a little longer than 20 min without the ice.

I highly suggest not tripping/slipping/falling. Accidents do happen but it's not something you want to have to endure. the pain level when I don't have ice on can get pretty intense. On a scale of 1-10 i'd say i'm getting up to a 9.

Also a little knowledge on Strength/energy. You may think that you're going to be DYING to get up and run around because you have to lay down all day with your foot up. Which I wont lie! some moments you really will feel that way and even worse you'll just want your life back. But TRUST me don't try to get up on the crutches too much. Today I had my brothers birthday party here because he wanted me to be at his party. I got up and leaned against the counters and cleaned them off and tried to clean other small areas to straighten up a bit.. Once I sat down I was exhausted... I really didn't even do that much!

It was just a huge reality check. Saying "HEY Kristy you really need to relax! your body is working over time to fix you!" Just remember that this time is called "recovery" for a reason and that you need to take the time to recover. I'll post a few things that I've been doing to spend the time. They are fun! I'm trying to make this blog fun!

As always don't hesitate to ask me anything! I've already had this surgery once!


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