Tuesday, January 22, 2013

11 Months- New Job

I'm so sorry my updates are much further apart. No I take that back I am not sorry at all. The reasoning for it is because well.. Nothings changed. the update is:

Right foot- Is healing but still will take time (bone wise)

Left foot- This is the one that was done 11 months ago and that one I am still using the bone stemulator for. The last appointment about four or five days ago he said that there are signs of growth but still just a sit and wait and do the Bone stem every day to try and get it to grow together.

Now why I'm updating now? I went on vacation Two weeks ago. We were there for Two weeks. As most people know, when you go on vacation you tend to do A LOT of things. Including walking. This vacation was a test. Sense the most recent surgery to remove the plates in my right foot I haven't been walking very much at all. I haven't really had a reason to.

So what did we find out? I'm doing a LOT better I"m finally closer to "normal" if I even dare to say that. If you are reading this because you have already gotten the surgery well For me now I'm feeling normalish. You also understand what that means. I obviously have pain still but it's A LOT better then before. So what did I do with this information? I decided to get a job! Now four weeks down the line I finally Have one!!

Today I started a Job 9:30am-2:30pm about 5 hours On my feet. I had a 30 min. break around 1:00 and I only had Ibuprofen at the beginning because I forgot to take some at 12. All in all not unexpected that the fire pain came back for the first time in a while. I forgot what it felt like. Of course the main points of pain are where they put the bone in the heal. However, I do think it's manageable  I haven't stood that much on my feet sense June 9th 2011! So of course my feet would have to get used to it anyway and now I just have a added issue. I'm really hopeful to continue working and strengthening my feet!


Things to keep in mind. First thing is I am only 22 and was 21 when I got my first surgery. I obviously didn't have a regular job and the job I did have I had to quit because of the time you need off to recover (6 weeks or more).

Second because of this I had to give myself time to get a job. I tried a calling center and wanted to kill myself it was so awful. I wasn't going to do it again. I like retail. Plain and simple.

Third due to the long time without a job and the forced situation of having to sit for nearly 2 years.. Life got a pretty depressing at times. I learned to deal with those issues but it did become lonely. Those people who really care about you will be the ones you see during this time. Hopefully you only get one foot done and it takes about 6 months or so to get where I am now. But if you have to get both feet done and if there are any complications it may take a very very long time to even get where I am. Which isn't healed. I'm not healed. However, I'm on a better level of "health" then I was a few months ago. Remind EVERYONE in your life THIS IS A MAJOR SURGERY. They wont get it unless you tell them.. I made the mistake of trying to look "strong" and it left me lonely and depressed. So let them know that you need their help and their time.

Because of all of this and some more getting back into life was scary. I wish I would have been able to afford a therapist but alas the doctors bills did not allow it. I had to push myself I had to cry and feel the weight of my burden. Now I got a job and I Feel it will force me more then I can force myself alone to get back into life. Prepare yourself. You will have doubts and if you are in my situation where you love work on your feet.. then you will have fears. Many many many fears. I am still afraid that the more days I work in a row the less I"ll be able to stand the pain. Despite the worry I'm not going to give in. Not now. I want this.

so there is my update. As always ask me anything. Also thank you to anyone who reads this and comments they are greatly appreciated. Keep it up. It gets better.


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